Thursday, November 15, 2007

An Example of Waste of Oil Resources

If you didn’t read yesterday’s post, read it before you read this one. A wonderful example of waste of oil resources is the SUV. The original SUV’s were trucks with fancier bodies on the frame. Trucks were cheap because they were built on old technology that cost less to manufacture. Then Detroit put a healthy price on the SUV’s. They’re cheap to make and Detroit can charge a lot. The SUV was what Detroit needed. A vehicle with a high profit margin that the public wanted.

To make sure we wanted one, they marketed the SUV as the vehicle powerful, successful people drove. The minivan was mom’s car. I have a daughter that was exposed to that marketing and she still won’t buy a minivan even though she will admit they offer more space and convenience and they’re cheaper to own and operate. Do you feel manipulated? You know; bend me, shape me, any way you want me. If you didn’t recognize that verse, click here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the daughter you're referring to - No, the minivan IS my mom's car. The only thing I like better about a minivan than my SUV is the sliding side doors. You want to talk about marketing. The auto industry continues to market the minivan as a "must have" to parents but most don't get much better gas mileage than my SUV. And if we weren't told that we shouldn't put kids in the front seat of our cars, more people would be driving sedans...