Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Is the Sky Falling ?

Why are we still so dependent on foreign oil?

Does anyone remember waiting in line for gas in 1973? The lines were long and we were all sure that the end had come for cheap and plentiful gasoline. It was caused by the Arab Oil Embargo. It scared us all and we were ready to do anything to avoid it again. We had gotten used to big, fast cars that consumed fuel like a forest fire in California blown by the Santa Anna winds. The scary part was that we weren’t ready for addressing the Arab Oil Embargo in 1973 or any oil embargo that might happen in the immediate future. Detroit especially wasn’t ready. We had less than spectacular small cars like the Chevrolet Vega, the Dodge Colt, and the Ford Pinto.

The American answer to small cars was definitely more efficient than the behemoths we had been driving but Japan had better cars. Detroit never took small cars seriously because the profit margin on small cars is…well…small. Detroit had a lot riding on its cars. One of the biggest burdens riding on small cars was all the benefits that the union workers were getting and that burden wasn’t going away. In fact, it would be getting worse as the population aged and a glut of workers would retire with all those benefits. It was a promise that Detroit made. It was a wonderful promise but Japanese car manufactures didn’t have that burden. They could make a greater profit on a small car. In fact, they made a better car that cost more and we bought them by the ship load.

We never did have another serious oil embargo so our government wasn’t about to do much about promoting the search for alternate fuels or finding ways to use significantly less oil. Now we’re facing a crisis that we didn’t see coming. The government, the Arab oil producers, and the oil companies have figured out that we don’t complain too much as long as prices don’t go up too fast and we’re not standing in line for gas but now we’re facing a serious problem with supply and demand for oil. The rate of increase in oil consumption by China and India will dwarf our needs. It’s already pushed the price of a barrel of oil to nearly a hundred dollars. We probably won’t see the price of a barrel of oil go down. Wait until we start buying home heating oil. We’ve just started to feel the pain and are we ready? No we’re not. Why aren’t we?

This can’t be said enough – greed and self interest. Business and government leaders should have accepted the responsibility of preparing for the day when oil becomes too expensive to use as our main source of energy. Our government leaders stood by unwilling to irritate the oil companies because the oil companies provided them with the money they needed to be reelected. Detroit needed to make money, a lot of money, to cover the debt they created. Could we have significantly reduced our dependence? Yes, we could have. Brazil did it with cane sugar. It’s not a perfect solution but its better than what we have. Will things get better soon? Watch the advertisements on television and you’ll see the oil companies advertising about the solutions they’re working on. If that’s not the fox designing the hen house, what is?

Have we been duped? You wouldn't think so. Everybody knows the sky’s not falling. Just ask those that could have taken steps to make us less dependent.

Hey, what was that? Some pieces of blue stuff just fell into my yard. Think I’ll get inside

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't this the truth! We, as citizens of this country, need to educate ourselves, know the facts, and be willing to share them with others. I believe if enough people understand what is really going on and stand up and say enough is enough this could start a shift in the power for political leaders to understand they need to be accountable to the population not just to those who line their pockets.