Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A Decision Made

I’ve made a decision whether to write about more than one subject on this blog. My decision is to do it. While we’re waiting for an answer from the agents, let’s go off on a tangent. I have a passion for many social issues and they relate to the plight of those less fortunate. I don’t necessarily mean people who are financially disadvantaged. Being less fortunate may mean not having access to an educational system that recognizes your special needs and provides programs to address them. This could happen to a person with learning difficulties or a genius who’s bored to tears. Not addressing the educational needs of a child is an awful waste of our natural resources. I taught high school for 10 years and I have a lot of experience with this issue.

As I already mentioned, I believe our lack of universal health care is an abomination. There are a number of states attempting to provide universal health care for their citizens and there are many plans being offered by the presidential candidates. This issue will be a big one in the next election and I’m going to add my two cents. I’ll address this issue first. Universal health care is what will get me on the road. I have to check with the law enforcement agencies to determine what road blocks (pun intended) may be in my way and I have to determine if Tallahassee might be too far. A person can’t walk for so long that people lose interest. That’s assuming me walking for a cause generates any interest. First, I need to state my case for universal health insurance on this blog then, God willing, I’m on my way.

Speaking about walking a long distance; I need a new brace. I couldn’t possibly walk a long distance in this worm out brace I’m wearing; can’t go to the dance in this old dress. Next Thursday I have an appointment with an orthopedic specialist to get a prescription. Many of the times that I’ve seen an orthopedic specialist they’re so fascinated with an old polio patient that the doctor calls all their partners in the room to see this dinosaur. To get a new brace, the doctor has to write a prescription for an orthotic, a device which supports or corrects human function, in my case a leg brace. That’s really a little humorous. I usually help the doctor write the prescription. And I have to pay them!


Anonymous said...

I think writing about health care, and the lack there of is a good idea. Plus, you'll have lots of things to discuss with Hilliary Clinton's' new health care proposal.

"Speaking about walking a long distance; I need a new brace. I couldn’t possibly walk a long distance in this worm out brace I’m wearing;"

What about getting one of those hand-peddled bikes? But if you did, Tallahassee would just be a weekend jaunt. To do something remarkable, you may have to go all the way to Washington D.C. But the name of this blog is...

RichW said...

Maybe Hillary will join me.

Have you priced those bikes? I'd need to impose a tax on all the cars driving by my house to afford the model I want. Another idea is to look for sponsors. I need to call Hillary. I hear she's got money. Yes, WHATEVER it Takes.

Anonymous said...

"Have you priced those bikes?"

I see good bikes for under $2,000 at

Michelle and I would love to make a substantial donation to such a worthy cause!

RichW said...

Maybe the bike is a better idea than walking. I like the type of exercise it offers. I could actually do both; walk and cycle.

I looked at those bikes years ago and decided no mostly because we were spending monthly the cost of the bike on health insurance.

The prices at are very reasonable. Thank you for the donation offer. I might just take you up on it. I'm a lucky man.

Michelle said...

I second the motion for the bike - a lot of biking, a lot of walking - sounds like fun!

Hillary seems to be in high spirits these days, maybe you should contact her. I won't even comment about her being a democrat...

Anonymous said...

Maybe Hillary will give you some of the money she received from Hsu, she said she was going to donate it. Great job on the bike mom will be happy. Sounds great Gig but get in shape.

RichW said...

Michelle and Donna,

Sounds like I do need to call Hillary. Of course, "lack of notoriety" may prevent me from getting through. Sounds like a common problem here. Michelle, I can't wait to hit the road, thank you. Donna, who's in bad shape?

With Love...