Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Query Letter Completed

Okay, the query letter is finished. I am so ready to get this letter out. This week I will print five letters and send them to five literary agents. That’s the easy part. The hard part is waiting for a response. With each letter, I will include a self addressed stamped envelop (SASE). From what I’ve been reading on the Internet, the SASE will be used by those agents who will be sending me a form letter thanking me for my submission but no thanks. If an agent is interested, I could get a phone call or an email asking me for a chapter for their review.

I can only imagine what Cheryl and I will feel when we get that phone call or email. What an experience that will be. I have been so fortunate to have had so many challenges in life and succeeded that I am excited to have the opportunity to show others that no matter what challenge they’re facing you can not only survive it, you can come out the other side healthy, happy, and on top of the world. I don’t mean to lessen the hardship that people can endure but there is life on the other side of the struggle. My friend Bob, who has been my friend since before I had polio, has faced challenges that I hope to never face.

Bob’s wife died of cancer and not too many years later his youngest daughter died of cancer. I couldn’t imagine facing those challenges. Bob is an inspiration to me. I’ve completed almost four chapters in the first book of the series of three books that I plan on writing and Bob is in the first three chapters that I’ve completed. I sent them to him to read and he said he told a friend of his, who is a screen writer, about the books I’m writing and she said she’s interested. The idea of getting the books published is exciting. The story becoming a play or movie is just beyond my imagination. Stay tuned this could become very exciting.

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