Thursday, September 20, 2007

Weigh In

I had an appointment this morning with my cardiologist. The first thing the nurse did is ask me to step on the scale. That was my official start diet weigh in. For me, that was the most important part of the visit. Remember, I just started a diet. In six months I will be visiting the doctor again. That will be my official weight loss weigh in. Of course I’m assuming I will lose weight. My official start diet weight is 157 pounds. I plan on losing at least 17 pounds. I’ve never lost that much weight without being sick. When I became diabetic and didn’t know it yet I lost 40 pounds before I realized I wasn’t losing weight because of the diet I was on. When I had bypass surgery I lost 30 pounds between the surgery and recovery. Now I have to try to just lose weight. No help. No tears please, I’ll survive.

The query letter is almost done. My next step is to make a list of all the agents I will contact. I’m using a book titled Guide To Book Publishers, Editors, & Literary Agents by Jeff Herman. This is the book recommended by all the Internet sites I visited looking for information about literary agents. My wife has already made a list of the agents that we should consider. She found about 50 agents. Tomorrow I will review the list and pick the top 20 or so. A part of me can’t wait to get the letters out. You know, “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!” Another part of me could spend the next six months being sure the query letter is perfect. I’m trying to reach a reasonable compromise. Of course, I have a rudder and a throttle on this boat. Someone is making sure this is completed as soon as possible with few excursions. Thank God for my wife.

Oh yes, the doctor said everything looks fine. I may get this project completed after all.


Anonymous said...

I have faith in you. Keep your eyes on your dreams and your goals. I LOVE YOU!

RichW said...

Thank you Anonymous. I LOVE YOU TOO!

Anonymous said...

Good luck on your new diet!!!! I know with your determination you will suceed as usual! While you were weighing in today, I had that dreaded spinal tap with no pain, no bad headache and when I stood on the scale this morning I had lost another pound and am now at 147 from 167!!!!! My goal is 130!!!

Anonymous said...

How's the diet coming? Today I weighed in at 144!!!!! I lost another two pounds for the good news! After going to the hospital twice in the last 2 days, I needed some good news!!!! I'm feeling much better tonight!!!


RichW said...

I'm not going to weigh myself until November. You're doing great. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. We're praying for you.